Building Brand Loyalty

Most of our campaigns cost as little as $7 – $15 a day depending on:

Grocery store locations & demographics

Impressions per store

Ad size and design options

Advertise on shopping carts

Everybody Eats, Everybody Shops

Did you know that 20,000 shoppers go to the grocery store every week? That’s 20,000 prospective customers staring at your brand while they shop. Be the go-to business in the one place everybody in your neighborhood goes multiple times each week!

Advertise on grocery receipts

Market Domination with Register Tape Advertising

One reason businesses fail to see the ROI they predict from advertising is dilution. Simply put, you’re competing against too many other companies. That’s not the case with our register tape advertising program.

We only allow 2 businesses of the same category to advertise at any one grocery store with receipt advertising, which means availability can be limited. When a spot opens up, would you rather it be given to your competition? Take advantage of the chance to dominate your market by claiming your grocery store receipt real estate.